Hey! I'm Adnan

A Python and Web Developer.

"Let's learn together and help build a better world."

About Me

Hey there! Glad that you have taken some time out to read this. My name is Adnan Baig, and I'm a self-taught programmer. I also like music and performing arts, around which most of my life revolved. I decided to learn a programming language to explore something new and ended up realising that this is a world of magic and there's so much I can do with it. I don't plan to stop my learning process anytime soon and would want to explore new tech as I go. I'm looking forward to a fruitful future in the world of code.



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A simple yet fun project. It turns text to morse code that you can send your friends.

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One of the more complicated projects I made learning Python, A game of Black Jack.

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The classic game of Snake that we often played on our old Nokia phones. Good old days.

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The first virtual game ever created, PONG. Why not giving it props by recreating it?

Hit Me Up!

I'm not a Robot.